Saturday, December 25, 2010

”Are we talking about Christmas or sex ?”

FINALLY I DREW SOME PORN! I missed my horny mood kufufu.
I know there are anatomy fails, like, a lot! But I'm kinda proud of my little Latvia here.♥♥

Tomorrow I'll be off for 3 days to Switzerland to see my beloved Jade; we will celebrate her 20th birthday AND our 1st year together. (^w^)

Oh, and I'm a little late but MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope you got nice gifts and had an enjoyable time with your friends/family. :3

Also, did you notice that I've given to my blog a refresh? Pink was getting over my nerves!


Ketty Mint said...

pourquoiiii n'ai-je pas vu ton blog plus tôt ? Enfin maintenant, C'EST FAIT.

et aaaw maaan dieu porn porn porn ce dessin est tellement miam ! %D

rhooo toi aussi, tu blush partout parce que le blush c'est la viiiiie ♥♥♥

Ketty Mint, l'espèce d'ovni de DA.

megu said...

My my, c'pas souvent que j'ai des commentaires, et des commentaires aussi...gais ♥

Merci, j'aime le porn. ♥♥ Le blush c'est trop chou tout en étant super sex mwahahahahaha !