I have my brain on /OFF mode so don't mind my shitty English pwease kthx. (  ̄ ◇ ̄) ノ
Yesterday I came back from my lover's place. I had a great but short vacation with her and I can't wait to put her up at home on November ♥ it'll be a great change to make her stay at my (well, my mom's) home, for once.
Anyway, I'm happy that I was able to spend some time with her. We ate at the restaurant like lovers would do, we went on shopping aaaand omg she cut her hair. She wanted it to be a surprise but since I arrived a day earlier... 8D; But she's, like, prettier and cutter than before. (Q//w//Q) I knew that short hair would fit her perfectly.
I also met with her uncle and aunt, they are funny ; we even helped them on their son's French grammar exercises wtf XD. I'm glad that Jade's sister wasn't TOO much persistant and possessive with me -but I still can't stand when she's around ARGH. On the contrary I love her parents, especially the father who's really funny and, well, he seems to like me and really understand my relationship with his daughter. (;w;)
The last day Jade and I worked on stuff about Matryoshka -our association with 2 friends of her. I still have to print my phone charms and bookmarks... oh god I'm SO LATE. I'll try to print the stuff this Saturday -even though I'm ill right now, I hope I'll get better soon. orz (though it's a nice excuse to avoid the birthday party of Saturday night ahahah YESSSS!)
I want to draw tonight but I have my Chinese lessons to revise and papers to do. *sobsobsooobbb*
I'll close this entry with cute photos I did with my phone (because I shamefully forgot my camera) with my rabu.♥

I love you...
Mais mais mais...toi aussiiii tu sors avec une fiiiille ♥ ces photos sont vraiment trop chou, vous êtes adorables dessus >3< haha moi aussi je sors avec une fille. qui dessine (aussi ! :3) ! Soyez heureuses ! >3< ♥
Vouaiiiis je suis une maso 8D♥ (j'dis ça parce que tout le monde sait que c'est les filles c'est quand même casse bonbons XD *shot* ). Non mais julem ma choupinette.♥
Merci en tout cas, j'adore ces photos héhé. n_n♥
Puissiez toi et ta copine vivre heureuses également ! /o/ (elle a un dA ?)
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