First of all :
HAPPY NEW YEAR AND ALL THE BLAH. ♥This entry is supposed to be long because I have lot of things to write about, be prepared. 8D
From 26th December to 29th I was at my lover's place for her birthday (on 28th) and to celebrate our first year together (my it's already been one year I'm with her, time goes fast). While going to Lausanne I had train issues because of lack of electricity on the railway line so I get stuck for 3 hours! Next to me was sitting a Korean tourist guide who didn't speak any French, so I translated her the problem in English. She was nice and fangirlised when I said that I loved Korean fashion and music. She asked me which bands I listen to and she was all "Ahh I'm so happy you're here, thank you thank you! I'm happy to be able to speak with you~ (Q7Q)"...I was so happy too. XD
After 3 hours we finally arrived to a train station but it was very far from Lausanne and the train won't go because the electricity problem wasn't fixed. So I waited 2 hours for Jade and her father to pick me up by car (sorry guys, I know it was very far from your house ;;). I must say that I nearly cried because I waited a long time and it was FREAKING COLD. The gare station didn't have a heating system and it was nearly -14°C outside. YEAH. Anyway, I jumped into my lover's arm when she arrived, she warmed me up ah ah! We stopped by a Buffalo Grill restaurant in Grenoble and we came back to Lausanne at midnight. No need to say that I was pissed off because I was supposed to arrive in Lausanne by train at 4:30pm... so because of the train issue I waisted an afternoon with my girl. 8(
Next day and the other, Jade went to work on the morning while I had all the morning to sleep and then to prepare myself to go meet her in Lausanne and spend the afternoon together~. On Monday we ate at the Chinese restaurant and we went to the cinema to watch
RAIPONCE♥♥ I totally loved it! I want to watch it again! Must buy the DVD (omg since
when do I
buy DVDs?) We also did shopping and I bought 2 pairs of shorts, 1 pair of tights, a shirt and my love offered me beautiful white lingeries. On Tuesday we ate at the restaurant (Chinese again XD) in Montreux (a beautiful city) with Jade's oncle/aunt and grandma. That was the first time I met with her grandma, she wanted to see me...I was nervous. It's odd that now all her family knows about us, but they seem to accept our relationship. ♥ After the meal, we did shopping and we joined with a friend of Jade before going back to Lausanne; there we had to go with Yun, Prussia and Feli (sorry guys, I keep naming you with your rp pseudo XD;) to eat together to the Ethiopian restaurant to celebrate Jade's birthday! ♥ It was a simple but nice and funny night! (;w;)

When we came back home we watched the DVD
How To Train Your Dragon (YES, I actually bought the DVD omg!). I never saw it but Jade always said it was an awesome movie so...AND SHE DIDN'T LIED OMG!!1one! I've already watched it 3 times! XD I squee like a pig each time I see Harold (Hipcup in English) and Krokmou (Touthless)! I want a dragon, please pretty please? *shot*
Next day I already had to go back to France... but I was happy because Jade was going to go to my house the next day to pass the new year with me! ♥ She stayed about 4 days. I was embarrassed because I had to work on my revisions and assignements during her stay so I think I didn't take care enough of her. I felt so sorry... b-but I think we had a lot of fun while cooking together! At least
I really appreciated those moments. We did Russian food yay! XD

On another note, and a less happy one, I was really sad, disappointed and angry towards my mom. She acted all cold towards Jade, and rather, I'd say,"horrible". Yeah. I was like "go die in a corner you asshole". I wanted to kill her, I assure you. 8D But strangely enough she was far nicer the last two days. I was delighted, but still sad because I still don't know what she's thinking about our relationship. I don't dare asking because it's delicate and I'm kind of afraid of her response. But still, I was hoping that her encounter with Jade would been less mean. :/
For New Year, I dragged Jade to a party organized at 'Kael's house (he's one of the guys I go clubbing with) and there were also Kevin, Nasser and Dimitri. I was happy that she could meet my friends, especially Nasser who didn't stop asking her questions. XD I was hoping for something to say... "exciting"? But the party was rather simple, and I'd say "quiet", that sometimes I felt a little bored...and I knew that Jade was too *sob* especially because she didn't like the music at all... but at least there was delicious aperitif food that the guys did themselves! And I played a little on Just Dance on wii (god I like this game it's funny when you play with friends or just watch them dancing awfully wrong 8D). We ended sleeping there but no more than 5 hours lololol. And we had dog's hairs everywhere on our clothes aaahhh! I hate this! DX
Well, I did have fun in general and I laughed a lot, it was good. I hope Jade liked the party nonetheless... at least a little. orz
When we came back home we prepared the food together (we were starving) and that's when my mom acted more gently. Maybe her good resolution for 2011? LOLOL. Anyway we were like real zombies so we spent the day watching films and rp LietLat. 8D♥
The next day was the last... we ate in Nancy at McDonalds and we drew some "cadavres exquis". I should scan them and post them because it's horribly hilarous! XDD Unfortunately Jade had train issues to go back to Switzerland...because of the French train strike. YES A GAIN .(=___=) I can't take their strikes anymore, damn it! I was so worried, but she came back home rather at time.
She's going back to France this Sunday with her father because she's going to take an apartment in Nancy...
AND IN TWO WEEKS WE WILL BE LIVING TOGETHER. ♥ She had found a work placement in Nancy for 6 months~ I'd lie if I say that I'm not nervous and afraid, but it's a step forward to take in our relationship. We'll see how things turn out~ (>w<)
Well...that's all! I wanted to write about my revived obsession with Latvia but I'm really tired of writing right now. So, next time!