I'm really disappointed because I received a negative response from MacDonalds about my summer job demand. They don't do one month contract (=__=)
At the begining, I might have worked during June and July BUT because of the fucking strike... I had class and my exams on June. So only July left.
I wanted that money. So badly. I needed it, because after Japan Expo, I'll be broken (;__;)
I'll try to find something else, but seriously--I think it's already late.
At the begining, I might have worked during June and July BUT because of the fucking strike... I had class and my exams on June. So only July left.
I wanted that money. So badly. I needed it, because after Japan Expo, I'll be broken (;__;)
I'll try to find something else, but seriously--I think it's already late.
Et puis pour août ?...
C'est vrai que mac do... Mais va voir aux intérim !!
Moi jvais postuler dans environ 10 boites intérimaires, avec ça j'espère bien trouver un job !!
Enjoy 8)
- j'aime bcp ta musique qui arrive quand on est sur ton blog ! -
Ouais mais pour aout je pense que ça va pas etre possible, parce que je vais peut etre à l'hopital... enfin bref, je sais paaas.
J'vais essayer un magasin qui vient d'ouvrir preès de chez moi, voir s'ils ont besoin d'une caissière =)
C'est cool d'y avoir pensé =)
-héhé elle est bien hein ? X3 ♥-
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