Sorry for those who can't understand it, but Elk and Nighty might understand XDDD
So um yeaaah yesterday I RP on msn with Elk... I was Latvia and she was Russia OF COURSE ♥♥
We were having sex from 2 pm to 2:30 am ROFLMAO. Ahahah I'm such a pedoperv...
So um yeaaah yesterday I RP on msn with Elk... I was Latvia and she was Russia OF COURSE ♥♥
We were having sex from 2 pm to 2:30 am ROFLMAO. Ahahah I'm such a pedoperv...
Quick sketch from the RP scene

We were doing it in a forest, on the snow... omg Russia is so freaking scaryyy. I mean, he first wanted to play a game in which I had to hide in the forest, completely naked (well, I had my underwear and my boots but still!). And he is such a sadist (but I love it ♥).
I really wanted to turn the RP into a doujinshi (*v*) but it's very long so... I DON'T KNOW XD;
I really wanted to turn the RP into a doujinshi (*v*) but it's very long so... I DON'T KNOW XD;
crève megu. crève.. * saute de la fenetre*
[ tu veux faire un doujin avec CA? XD omg, stu le fait... je te donnerai des bonbons V_V]
T-Tu oses souhaiter ma mort ? o_o *pleur*
[bah oui, elle pète notre histoire o_o Y a du angst, de la violence, et du cul ♥ 8D ]
Ouai, je souhaite hardement ton trepas.
[ .....*ca correspond pas vraiment a ses critères pour une ''bonne'' histoire... LOL]
Comme tu es vile ;__;
[Han vraiment ? DDD: Bah pour moi c'est le plot idéal ROFL. ]
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