Wednesday, April 8, 2009

'Ribbons canon !' LOLOLOL.

Today I watched Gundam 00's last episode. FINALLY !
What to say ? I don't want to spoil people and i'm too lazy to write a critic anyway orz so just lets say that I wasn't THAT into it. It was a good episode nonetheless, but I wasn't as excited as i was when watching ep 23 or 24 for example.
It was an awesome anime, really. But NOT AS AWESOME AS GUNDAM SEED. Yeah sorry, GS will always be my favorite anime ever ♥ ---with Code Geass.

Um but I really fell in love with----REGENE ! (;w;) I mean I love him more than Tieria omg. Do you believe it ? Well, I don't really know why but it's like that. And now the idea of doing a cosplay of him is really stuck in my mind. I'm explaining :
1) Veronica was modifiying Ciel's photo on paint (Tieria like LOL)
2) I did the same with one of my photo on SAI (Regene like♥)
3) Nighty sent me a sms saying something like 'omg megu you must cosplay regene and we'll do fanservice at Japan Expo and threesome with Meuh~'
4) Nighty sent me a mms with herself cosplaying Tieria (*o*)
5) Nighty praised me to cosplay and showed me a Regene wig yesterday OTL
And the 'worst' is that i'm really really really looking foward the day we can meet again, and do fanservice photoshoot in Nancy 8Db

Um um I even drew Regene yesterday night ♥

Besides, it's Ciel's birthday in 3 days and I'm worried because I think the website where I made her present purchase cheated on me. I-I don't know. It's been a month I did the purchase and I still haven't any news from it ! They say the shipping takes about 3 weeks but I even didn't receive the notification email (supposed to be sent in 4 weeks). I sent an email it's been 2 weeks but no responses, so I 've sent another today too. I really hope they just forgot but really, I'm doutful. Plus, I checked my bank account and they took the amount of my purchase so...? (>_<) Anyway, the site is : do you know it ? DD:

I'm feeling down because of that OTL
And the pain of being a girl doesn't help today. I'm feeling like dying. You surely know what I mean ? D;

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